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Sunday, 4 January 2009 7:27 pm
Heyy everyone!
Just had dinner and now am gonna blog!

2nd January 2009, Friday

Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! May 2009 be a fun-filled year for you! xD Why am I typing so diffrently than usual? No reason actually. Anyway, its the first day of school today and it was fun, I guess. Woke up in the morning before the sun even rose and got ready for school. Then, went to school with Jess. Walked in by the side gate and Jess met her friends. Woah, so many people in the school and I only recognised a few from NCPS. Saw it and was like shaking inside. Totally no idea whatsoever where what was. [Ok, even I'm not sure why that last sentence has so many 'W's . xD] Later, Jess brought me to my class, 1D. Ok, It is SERIOUSLY boring sitting in the front. Nothing to do except look around. -.-

Then, sang anthem and said pledge. Sat back down and then moved up to the hall. The Principal then talked to us. Then a presentation before going to class. Moved all the tables to the sides of the class and stacked them up. Pulled all the chairs to the center and made a circle. Then played some ice breakers. Hmm... Not as fun as I expected but still fun. Not gonna talk about the games cos don't feel like it. Then, went for a break. The canteen is so full lohs. Wahh.. only sec ones seh. Only drank apple juice. =X Then, zi dong went back up to the hall. A few more presentations later, went back to class and made our class poster. Oh ya, I forgot to tell ya guys something. The classes have to come up with a name starting with the letter of the class larhs. E.g. my class, 1D, then the name have to start with a 'D' lohs. Then guess what's our name. Go on, GUESS! hahas. Did ya all think of something like diligence, dog and blah? hahs . FAR FROM THAT! Our name is 'DIE DIE MUST TRY'! LOL! I can't imagine our class tee! '1 Die Die Must Try' imagine that! OKOK. Back to the post. We then went for lunch while the student council helped us coulour and finish the poster. Nice people sehs! THANK YOU!

Ya know what? I am lost! I forgot what happened! EEK!!! Never mind, skip to the next day.

3rd January 2009, Saturday

Went to school in PE attire. Went to the hall. Chatted with Michelle T and Vanessa. Never even read my storybook at all. Then a presentation. Then went down to the quadrangle to watch a parade by the uniform groups. Saw someone from SKMC in NCC. Then went 1A - 1E went to the canteen to look at the stalls by the different CCAs while the rest went up to the hall. Then, switched places. Then sooner or later, the classes came up and we filled up a feedback form before going back.

Kayy, Now for today!

4th January 2009, Sunday

My first day at D'anchor today and it was fun! I only know some of the people there but still had fun! Let's see... First,some announcements. Then said some prayers and then we split into 5 groups and then started playing games! Woots! Now, lazy to go into details but you can read some other people's blogs right?
