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Monday, 20 October 2008 10:10 am
Heyy people!

I came back from my camp on Sat.
You don't know ?
I'll post about it and I'll try my best to make it as detailed as ever.

16th October 2oo8,Thursday

I woke up at around 7.45am.
Had bread for breakfast and then took a shower.
At 11.30am,
[-.-" Quite early..]
my grandma made porridge for me for lunch.
Did a last minute check on my bag and called Zinnia whether I could go over to her house early.
I dragged my trolley bag to the overhead bridge near her house and people kept staring at me.
You people never see a girl with a trolley bag before ?!
o(>.<)o Reached Zinnia's house.
After awhile, we went downstairs to find Kimberlyn.
Sho 准, she just reach.
We went up and kim n I went down to wait for Esabel and put my bag into her car.
Guess who we saw when we walked out of the lift..
ESABEL ! hahs .
She went up and kim brought mii to her car.
nicee! xD
den kim went to find zinn and Esa..
and they just came down...
put all our baqqs and were on our way!
[ berii short drive onii.... ]
we went to the 2nd floor and put our bags down.
o.o ! Xiao Min, Charmiane, Stella ??
they were dere too!
iie had a feeling that we were gonna hab fun .
everyone took a piece of paper from a box that determined which group they were gonna b in for the whole camp.
[we could not c wad we chose..]
we sat in a circle and took turns to introduce ourselves.
den we played a game.
we were split into 2 groups and played a game wif a "blanket".
[ the "blanket" is a blue curtain .. ]
we had to send one person from the group to sit in front of the "blanket" and when the blanket is put down,
we had to shout the person we see from the other group.
[ i noe .. confusing .. hard to explain...]
den we sat in a circle again and played "neighbours"
[ hmm.. I would like to play dis game at class bbq ^^]
den the 4 groups were revealed by guess-and-check. zinn,kim,esa and I were all separated ..
T-T after some more games
[ iie tink ... ] we went to the Aloha Loyang Chalet at around 3.
[the trip there was kinda short if you ask me ..]
We alighted from the bus and went into the chalet.
we put our bags at a corner and sat down in the hall and listened to aunty OiChee.
She said that there were no rules but orders.
den she introduced the 4Bs .
Be Attentive. Be-have. Be Responsible. Be Here.
See, I hab such a good memory..
can memorise them by order ...
okok .. NEXT !
We were assigned our rooms.
Upper G1 had 6 girls and Upper G2,
which zinn,esa,kim,char,xm,stella and I were in,
had 7 girls.[2nd storey]
The boys [6] had 1 room on the 1st floor and the other room was for the Youths.
We put our bags into our rooms and went back to the hall.

We sat in our groups and had to come up with a group name.
Group 1, FANTASTIC 4 as it was the only group with four people.
(Zinnia, *Charmiane, *Qiu Jin n *Jason, whom they all called 'Leen' for some reason..)

Group 2, WHATEVER well ... it is actually ANYTHING .iie hab no idea why they changed it.
(Kimberlyn, *Xiao Min, *Yu Heng and *Abel)

Group 3, PEACE. MY GROUP! You might be thinking:"Why PEACE ? LMAO !!!"
WELL, firstly, totally girls.
Stella kept whispering to me and I, being the leader had to choose!
how to CHOOSE if I don't have options ?!
I tried to break the ice by saying "lollipop"
[ BEFORE YOU CRITISISE "eeww.. lollipop... sho LMAO .. "etc. CONTINUE READING! ]
since nobody wanted suggest.
I am fine if they at least shook their heads in disagreement but not replying at all is like as if I'M NOT THERE!
[ nono .. dun misunderstand me, I'm not angry at them. REALLY. I'm not angry. A little irritated.. but not angry. ]
( *Stella, *Lillian, *Karis, *Patricia and yours truly! )

Group 4, NAMELESS. No, REALLY, it is called NAMELESS and not that they do not have a name.
( Esabel, Sheryl, Keren, Owen and Zi Wen )

We were then handed an egg and were supposed to protect it with STRAWS, scotch-tape and scissors.
When finished, the egg will be thrown from the second storey.
My first thought about it: "What the... How to protect an egg with STRAWS larhs !!"

We were planning on making a box around it.
After quite some time, the camp comittee oso joined the activity.
Theirs looked liked the Olympic torch...
[ well, in their opinion anyway... ]

Each of the eggs survived the fall.

we played Taboo.
Stella noticed that the egg started leaking..
[probably iie hit it too hard on the floor when iie was sitting down ?]
OoMiiGosh ...

den iie told *WanZhen about it after the game.
Luckily, we were given another egg and no points were deducted.
the egg was none other than the camp comittee's.

Then, we had dinner.
Fries, chicken chop, a bun and mixed veg. [ corn, carrots, peas ]
hahs .
Poor Aunty OiChee had a huge bunch of leftovers.
well, mostly the mixed veg.
hey, at least I ate some of it ..
[ onii kim n iie ate the mixed veg.
eh ? did bel eat? hmm.. nbm ...]

After dinner,we played candle soccer at an alley beside our chalet.
Then, we had a race at the basketball court opposite our chalet.
we had to get TOTALLY wet and then bob for 3 grapes before eating a marshmallow from a plate filled with flour and finally onto a mat to get a bar of soap .

After that,
we went back to the chalet to have a shower before going down to the hall for supper.
[ well, cheeseballs, leftover fries and water. ]
While waiting for each other to shower,
we took out our sleeping bags and decided where we wanted to sleep.
There were 2 beds and 7 girls.
Stella did not have a sleeping bag.
Sho we're left with one bed.
Xiao Min wanted to sleep on the bed.
datts datt .
den plan where to sleep for the sleeping bags

After supper,
went to brush teeth den sleep.
Zinn kept complaining datt she could not sleep.
den she say she woke up every hour.

Will continue the next 2 days next time!
p.s. iie cut my hair today! [ may post about it next time , or you may visit Dion's blog.

* sowie if any names are misspelt
*︵ - MiichiiE - x✖ ︵*