-Camp 3-
Sunday, 2 November 2008 1:03 pm
I'm so behind my "blogging schedule".
here's part 3 of CAMP!

The night before,
we slept in the camp comittee's room as ours was infested with disgusting little termites!
[their nest was under the stopper behind the door and it extended!!]
The camp comittee slept in the hall.

[Aww... See, what nice people they are...]
When I woke up, I saw Zinnia sitting up on the bed.
[Woah, I woke up later than the day before ?]
We went out and saw that they were sleeping on cushions.
After some time,
I went to change.
We then had breakfast.
Leftovers from the bbq the night before and toast.
[Super full lorhs ..
Duno how many pieces of toast I ate...
We then, packed up and left for SKMC.
We went to a room on the second floor and put our bags at a corner.
We then played a game called Island.
Then, a game called Polar Bear.
After that,
we went back into our groups and went down to the field to play more games!
[I don't wish to elaborate as it is a lot of stuff...]
We went back to the church and bathed.
Then, we had lunch.
After lunch, free time.
Hung out at the bay.
An air-conditioned room with snacks and games.
then, we went back to the room and was given a talk by sec students.
They talked about how they adapted to sec life.
The talk just made me even more nervous about it.
Then a talk by Moses.
[If I remember his name correctly.]

Fantastic Four!

[xD How *ironic.]
Well, someone has to be last even if you did really well right?
Anyway, you guys still hab prizes !


woots~ gratz Kim!

Yeah! Great job!


We then brought our bags to a room on the third floor.
Then, dinner time!
KFC shroom burger with coca cola and whipped potato.
there was this powerpoint that I think is very cute.
Anyone hab it?
can send to mii anots ...?
Den went home le lohs ...
till next time!
*I'm not sure whether it's spelt like that..