BIRTHDAY! [o.o nono, not mine xD]
Monday, 29 June 2009 5:19 pm
May you stay forever CUTE and CHEERFUL! :D
It's Zheng Yi's birthday today!
Celebrated her birthday yesterday! :D
Went to church for sunday school with ZEE!
When we were reaching church, Jessica called.
Apparently, she went to church and ran back home alone to get Zheng Yi's birthday present.
Sweet right?
Kay, so after sunday school, stayed back in bay till they finished their duty.
aww... Charmian couldn't join us. T-T
i went to compass point to buy the cake.
erm... didn't pay for it cos i am REALLY broke.
came back with a cake and a flower shaped balloon in my hands.
Jessica so cute!
tried to stuff the cake in the coffee table drawer.
but still put into the fridge anyway.
went to compass point to da pao our dinner to Zheng Yi's house.
[almost forgot to take the cake out of the fridge. xD]
keke, watched movies in the dark dark living room!
o.o Simpsons the movie.
watched the movie tons of times because of my dad and MUSHROOM!
mushroom still mimicks the scenes from the movie!
and there I was, watching the movie and trying hard to swallow down my dinner.
er... i forgot to get a candle from the store.
they tricked Zheng Yi to turn on the stove for us.
and then chased her out of the kitchen.
used a wooden chopstick to represent a candle.
LOLs. They are SOOOO CUTE!
after zheng yi "put out the candle",
we played blind mice!
in her living room!
once the lights were turned off, the room was total pitch-black dark.
when it was meng jun's turn to be the blind mouse, all of us went into the room
leaving meng jun walking around the living room aimlessly.
hahas. so clever sia! he came into the room to find us. xD
he figured we were too quiet. xD
when the game ended, meng jun went to play the piano.
hahas. we all acted like we were touched by the song. xD
*cry, cry, cry*
went home at 9+.
hais... blogged to de-stress.
but it didn't work.
it's just the first day of school and i'm already pull my hair out!
projects not done.
science homework is a big '?'
a lot of things to do but very little time!
have to pick up time management skills.
then some other things not related to school, made me very touched, sad, confused and just nostalgic.
i miss primary school times.
i know i've said this umpteen times but it's so darn TRUE!
i missed the recent class gathering cos of my condition and am REALLY sad.
not depressed, just sad.
i didn't get to see my beloved 6d'ers.
all the above mentioned things combined altogether leads to just one thing STRESS.
and this STRESS has lead me to start crying.
i don't know why.
i don't feel better this way but i still cried.
wasn't ready for school yesterday.
was SO afraid i'd forget something.
and i haven't done my book reviews.
then, when i plopped onto my bed, once again, i cried.
didn't sleep well and was VERY sleepy in class.
new teachers, people with new haircuts, or wigs *wink*[you know who you are. xD]
how to settle these problems?
my plan:
like Harper's Island.
one by one.
so, i'll end this post now and hopefully will find some way to de-stress. =]
MOGU MOGU! xD [sorry, random. [= ]
happy waiting for my next post! :DDDDDDD
more about camp, Camp, CAMP!
Wednesday, 24 June 2009 9:56 am
So, I went home the other night.
Went to the doctor's.
ugh, medicine.
Then, went back to church after breakfast.
They were playing the nationals in the field.
sporty games. ._.
everyone was wearing tags.
o.o me dk where to go
felt VERY lost
took over mayer while he rested.
played dodge ball for the first time in my short 13 years.
then moved on to play volleyball.
felt breathless after awhile.
and i DIDN'T do ANYTHING!!! O.O"
continued with the nationals but indoors this time.
took over Sandra's.
she was in-charge of one of the games.
freeeee timeeeee.
prep for community outreach the next day.
was grouped with ken and zii wen.
was shivering like siao in the air con room. o.o
went outside 3-1 to practice.
keke, i said nothing. :X
///////it's 10.21 AM and i just coughed and sneezed at almost the exact same time! xD\\\\\\
still felt VERY cold.
i wasn't in an air con room nor near any fan.
grr.. fever came back.
after dinner, took medicine and went to dorm to rest.
changed into jeans cos REALLY cold.
after awhile, i started sweating and temperature went back to normal.
er... i was locked in the dorm.
played with my torch light, my phone. BORING.
in the next room they were singing so loudly.
sounded so high. xD
sms-ed Charmian to help get the key to get me out!
dont know how to contact Tiffany!
sms-ed Brittany and Alicia.
walked around the room, sat down and listened to the theme talk next door, walked around somemore, ransacked my own bag for any unknown/random items i might have thrown in that morning.
nothing much.
just some leftover sweets.
cant eat them though.
guavaaaa fruit plus BEST. :DD
then tiffey came!
refilled water bottle, grabbed file and went into 3-1!
listened to like around half of the theme talk.
:D managed to catch up!
jumped through a skipping rope.
wrote a prayer down on a piece of paper and put it into a box.
then sat in our families.
"evacuated" from 3-1 and moved down to the carpark.
had to rush up to our dorms to grab only 10 things.
could not use the lift as we would face something "horrible"(?)
[hehe, sally was in the lift! XDDDD]
used the stairs.
grabbed stuff without thinking.
and went down.
keke, lilian and i didnt even bother to fold our sleeping bags.
HELLO! if in real danger will you be like folding your sleeping bag neatly and slowly moving down to the safe spot? xD
if yes, hah! good luck to you then.
if no, come chiong with me! xD
checked if we brought extra things.
some were confiscated.
3 team members were "trapped".
they cant see a thing.
each team sent a person, blindfolded, to find them.
the rest, directed him where to go to rescue them.
after that, SUPPER.
._. i dont usually eat supper.
slept in the carpark!
each group had tents and everyone had sleeping bags but it's VERY THE WARM LARHS!
couldn't sleep properly lohs!
2am-3am kept coughing and coughing.
early in the morning, made michelle K accompany me go toilet. xD
brushed teeth, blah blah.
packed up tents and whatever.
had our breakfast.
then we had family devotion.
was split into our teams the day before.
o.o changed groups!?
i didnt pratise! AT ALL!
grouped with kevin.
._. he didn't practise either.
tried my best to keep quiet all the way to the block.
i have years of practice with the keeping super uber quiet.
ask my primary school teachers!
quiet little michelle.
that p1 girl with the short hair which i never ever went back to and NEVER will!
that little crybaby who cried over almost everything that was as small as anything you can imagine and still does.
that little girl who can remember people, know how they are like and yet, the person can look at her and ask "who are you?" without a wondering how she knew that much.
this little girl is hidden deep, deep in my memories in a drawer in a dark corner with lazer beam traps, land mines and whatever high-tech security system there is to keep her from coming back.
that emo little girl was always unnoticed and anti-social.
the feeling was TERRIBLE.
brr.. feeling cold.
no more about the distant past.
okay, so, community outreach.
yea, did not practise, so a little panic-y.
didn't know how to act or react.
but managed to fill some survey forms.
don't know how many, but still filled larhs. :D
kevin did most of the work.
i cant talk properly! coughs.
after that, walked back to church.
no lunch.
well, cos like have a taste of how the less fortunate live.
during lunch-time, had a talk.
tired and sleepy.
almost dosed off halfway.
freeee timeeeeee to prepare for our skit.
o.o hehes.
variety show! :D
hahahahahas. just cant stop laughing at the skits!
dinner!! :D
theme talk!!! :DDD
found the 6 pieces but no key!
ran up and down 4-5 floors hunting.
"out of the frying pan and into the fire"
what has that got to do with..
grr.. never mind.
finally!! in dorm!!
no more aching back! xD
breakfast then went for service.
could not focus.
then family devotion.
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32.
:DD memorised.
then life of blue.
went to hougang mall!
did not feel like moving again.
headache acted up.
just sat down.
after an hour+ we mrt-ed back to SKMC.
then freeeeeeee timeeeeee!
slept during that time.
woke up by... i forgot who for dinner. o.o
then, theme talk!
sang till super high !! :DD
then barbecue!
after eating, kept running around talking photos! xD
wow, i expected this post to be like longer.
oh well.
hope you people had fun during camp!
and had fun reading this post! :P
byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeees~~! :D
OneLife.WantLife Camp 2009! :D
Tuesday, 23 June 2009 7:38 pm
xD Time to blog!
Dad fetched Charmian, Abigail and I to church.
hehe, i have a BIG bag :P
Went up to 3-1.
Brittany was outside waiting for me to come. xD
Collected our files and went in. :D
Played a random question quiz game! (yay! :D)
After the quiz, we sat down in our teams, or "families" according to the paper in the file.
we went down to the carpark for MORE games! :D
We had to pick up different balls (one at a time) as many times as possible as a team using strands of strings attached to another string tied into a circle and bring it to the bucket at the other end.
No touch-y the ball.
First one was easy. :D
A big basketball.
Next round was tougher.
A tennis ball which was smaller than the circle.
Red team being super uber innovative people, we managed to bring the ball there and back the max. no. of times! :DDDD
Played like 6 rounds.
each station had different types of balls.
The toughest one was definitely the PING PONG BALL.
Gathered for another game.
Each team made their own base, blew up balloons, taped most of them to the floor in the base.
To go out and run around bursting other teams' balloons, one must tie a balloon to one's ankle.
If the balloon on the ankle bursts, one must return to one's base and get another balloon.
Allied with the teams in the carpark. hehehe.
I did nothing. xD
Had a headache and got a phobia of balloons. ._.
keke, clever base. :D
After that, we went up to 3-1 for camp briefing.
came up with a group name.
UH.....(for 5 sec) YUM SENG!! :DDD
hehe, everytime someone said 'er...' everyone will yell our family's name! :DDDDD
kay, so there's yellow,blue,red,pink,brown and green families.
yellow's name is lom jiam pass.
blue's is blue's clues.
red's is UH.....YUM SENG!
pink is pinkerton as in Charmian Pinkerton.
like their surname.
brown is brown clues.
green is very pro OOSH (oosh)
these imaginative people deserve a round of applause! :DDD

[my kawaii kao-ani s are backk!]
we had free time to shower and whatever.
I cant remember what i ate.
i think it was rice with dishes.
yea, that.
felt cold during theme talk.
went to take temp.
39.5 degrees.
after drinking water, 38 something.
was sent home.


me barely just started camp!
dad came and fetched me home anyway.
missed the rest of the camp for that day.
but went back the next day for MORE FUN! :D
erm... i'll continue next time.
tired now.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009 9:19 pm
i can't get the song 'nobody' by the Wonder Girls out of my head!
This song is so NICE!!! 8D
oh yar! street E.!
Went to meet zinnia to walk to church.
o.o when i reached her house, she already went.
Met her on the way and walked together.
hehe, tied up my hair.
Street E.!
LOLs. everyone went to the library.
After Tifanny demo-ed to us, we went around asking.
o.o no one.
Went out of the library and walked around.
Saw Lip Fei and her friends at Action City.
After finishing, went to somewhere near 7-11.
played a game while waiting for the rest.
After sharing and praying, we went to KFC for lunch.
walked back to church and slacked in bay.
wow, that was short. -.-
going back to school tml!
wait, that's not exciting.
hahas. calefare-ing with peeps!
look out for me! :D
hmm.. better not.
DEFINTELY unglam. xD
Can't wait for CAMPs! :D
hope i can sleep at night. xD
my blogskin is an eyesore, isn't it.
hais.. lazy to change. xD
For more information about the gathering, contact ROWENA NG or KWOK AN QI.
couldn't sleep the night before.
Here's what i did.
Can you count how many '=]' are there?
I can! :D
hahas . BYE!
i admit, i'm a lazy little girl. ._.
Friday, 12 June 2009 8:37 pm
*looks at her homework*
Erm... never mind. =.=
Went to school to meet ah mao and clarence for chinese project.
Had to restart the whole project because we could not use the computer we used last time.
After awhile, had a problem with the internet.
ARGH.. could not do the project!
Ah mao and I went to my house but something was wrong with MY com too!
Then, I remembered I had to buy a set of PE uniform.
It was 2.20 and we were gonna meet gladys in CP at 2.30.
Walked back to school with ah mao to find the bookshop C-L-O-S-E-D!
._. a streak of unlucky events.
Walked to CP.
changed out of uniform in the toilet and went to find Gladys.
MRT-ed from CP to Tampines with YIJIA[ah.mao] and GLADYS while Gladys' mom and aunt took the bus.
We were competing who would reach there first.
Whole waiting for the MRT, we went to see the map.
OH DARN. The Paya Lebar station not opened yet!
Had to make a BIG round to Tampines.
After changing to the red line,[bleah, i forgot what line it is. xD] Gladys' mom called to gloat that she was at Tampiness already.
Hahas. SO CUTE!
-.- I almost fell when the train left one of the stations.
My reaction was SO funny-weird that it left the 3 of us laughing and launghing and laughing.
*starts LOL-ing again*
FINALLY, we reached Tampines.
Went to find the store for the class tee.
o.o $20.
Need to book an appointment and give deposit but first, must get deposit. =.=
[oh boy, i'm gonna be SO busy being an ah long ><] Had nothing to do, went to toys'R us to PLAY! many kids were taking swords and running around. even those that looked older than us. keke, we played with the swords for awhile and put them back. I took many photos with the SOFT TOYS! wakaka! THANKEWS YIJIA AND GLADYS!
for tolerating me and my crazy picture taking moments. xD
walked and walked and walked.
Ah mao was complaining that she was hungry over and over.
It was 5pm.
Decided to go to Mos burger to sit down, eat and discuss how to collect the deposit.
We had totally forgot about it when we were eating!
only until Gladys picked up the topic. xD
hahas. wasted time.
walked around some more and could not find anywhere to sit down.
At about 6, ah mao and I bus-ed 27 to hougang mall and MRT-ed to CP.
I know...
we could've took 27 all the way there.
but I did not know that until after I boarded the bus. xD
Went to Plaza Singapura with Charmian to shop. :D
Went to carrefour to find my sleeping bag.
Remember post-psle CAMP? x.x.x
If you're lazy to read all of them but want to find out what happened, just read the first part of the third 'x'.
[o.o i used so many cute emoticons then! xD maybe i should do that again!]
Went to find Charmian's small bottles of soap.
Kept walking around.
First to guardian, then watsons and then sasa and after a round around, we went back to carrefour and then to guardian again and to watsons and guardian and carrefour...
erm.. you know what I mean.
Hahas, we are two very VERY free girls. xD
After buying, we went to Charmian's old church, beside park mall.
Later, Alicia, Jiawei and kevin were at plaza sing.
wanted to play hide-and-seek with them but PHAILED!
continued walking around and then to park mall then to arcade and back to PS.
At 5+(?), Charmian and I went to find her mom and others.
we then went to eat while they walked around.
went to arcade and then went to catch the movie!
hoohoo! monsters vs aliens!
RAWR! I was receiving calls and sms-es throughout the movie.
Luckily, my phone was on silent mode.
After the movie, we went to kopitiam to eat.
then, uncle zhong da fetched us all back.
O.O" 9 hours at plaza singapura!
Charmian: Can create record!
Me: Wanna sleep there? sleeping bag ready. xD
Went to school at 1pm to collect money from 1D'eons.
sat at the canteen and kept chatting and chatting.
Cheryl OPR had this cool reminder on a drawing block.
There were tips on how she could save money and how to improve on her results.
"cheryl is going to be filthy rich! :D"
"cheryl is going to be smart! :D"
went home.
went to cp at 5+ to get something from Ah mao.
walked around cp with mushroom.
had dinner with mom before going home.
[ o.o ]
Friday, 5 June 2009 4:35 pm
After a briefing in the hall, we boarded the buses to Chinatown!
Took a tour around.
Nothing new.
We had a break before beginning the "amazing race".
We had to interview a tourist.
The answers had to be in CHINESE!
Hahas. My group interviewed an american. O.O"
THANKEWS MAEGAN for translating. :D
We rushed over to a corner and had to make a lantern out of contruction paper and newspapers.
Saw that the face painting station was full and did not want to watse time, we ran to another corner where we needed to make a rice dumpling.
Did not see the demonstration and got 7/10! YAY!
Rushed to the heritage centre we saw on the tour.
Had to buy something related to CHINESE culture with $2.
We bought 2 pairs of chopsticks!
o.o saw other teams buy fans.
Took a picture with the statue outside the heritage centre.
8/10! :DDDD
Ran back to the face-painting station.
Sacrificed my face. xD
5/10. Well, passed. :D
Went out with a few 1D'ians to Ehub.
Went to eat at Downtown East before bowling.
O.O 2 rounds!!
They went to catch night at the museum 2.
I didn't join them as i had watched the movie alr and did not want to watse money watching it again.
Instead, I walked up and down Ehub and round and round Downtown East who knows how many times!
[I stopped counting after 12]
:D BC and his classmates came over to Ehub.
long time no see jia xin le lohs.
enthu peeps. xD
THANKEWS for accompanying me! :DDDD
when they finally came out of the cinema, we went to take neoprints!
lols. the 2 guys sho shy, hide in the background.
Went to cut my hair today.
Short fringe again... o.o
Still layered hair.
Just shorter?
Don't feel like blogging anymore.
So, BYE!
Whoooo~ looong time no see, bloggie. :D
Monday, 1 June 2009 7:00 pm
I stayed back in school EVERYDAY to practice for the hip hop competition!
29 May 2009, Friday
The last day of semester 1
A relief teacher came to take over mother tongue lesson.
Designed class tee with Jasmine since he couldn't teach chinese.
After mother tongue was History.
Mr Lee taught us for 10min or so and let us slack! YAY!
Had ANOTHER relief teacher for CHC.
He just sat at the table and let us SLACK! O.O
HooHoo! PE!
Captian's Ball. (AGAIN.)
TT MY ah miaow fell and hurt herself.
[o.o Jessica fell down during captain's ball too, a few days back)
Aww.. my team lost the game.
I treat you to kitty food if you can come to Ehub! xD
o.o bought 3 bottles of strawberry milk.
1 for chairman, 1 for ah miaow and 1 for me! :D
[i sound lame. ==]
ah miaow complained that the GO service no good.
anyhow put dressing. xD
This little kitty still can complain when she is hurt. HAHAs!
Went back to class after that for maths.
Did journal writing and then slacked for the rest of the 2 lessons.
Went around class convincing peeps to agree to the class tee.
Eh, those who want hot pink class tee, next year make hot pink class jacket! :D
CHRISTINE(shouting): SPRIIING CLEEEEEANIIIING! Let's all start cleaning the class with SPRINGS! :D
LOLs. Cute!
After 10min of cleaning, DM came and chased us to go to the hall for assembly.
End-of-term talk.
A photo of four girls and a boy on Ular-lar [wild wild wet) flashed on the screen.
I thought they were gonna get in trouble.
"...excuse the boy in the picture..."
Turns out that the four girls had picked up a wallet and returned it to it's owner.
The owner had offered them a sum of money but they politely declined it.
He then offered to pay for the photo taken on the ride but they still declined it.
The wallet's owner wrote a letter to the school praising the four girls on what they did.
What good role-models they are.
[o.o i sound like i'm writing a composition.]
After the assembly, got the consent form for the councillor camp and went back to class to collect my report book.
Stayed back in school to practice for the hip hop competition the next day.
5 days to choreograph a dance, prepare props and costumes and also rehearsals.
After seniors left the dance room for a talk in the hall, Agnes started to cry.
She was joined by Marlene and me.
[O.O??? Marlene and Me? LOLs. Marlene and Michelle. M&M =.=]
After crying, the four of us, including Andrea, started practising SUPER DUPER UBER ULTRA MEGA hardly.
Went home and took a cat nap.
Decorated the bamboo poles and went back to sleep.
30 May 2009, Saturday
Went to the bus stop outside the side gate of NCHS.
chiong-ed to Teresa's with Jean, Marlene and Andrea.
Put our stuff at the multi-purpose hall and went to 308 to buy breakfast.[marlene,andrea and me]
LOLs. Andrea forgot to get untensils for Teresa.
You can imagine how she had to eat.
Took the LRT to Compass Point.
HAHAs. Andrea so sua-ku.
MRT-ed to plaza sing and found Agnes.
Saw our competitors practising nearby and wanted to quit.
After practising for awhile, went to KFC for lunch.
Some of us went to change while the others waited for Ivy to come.
:D YAY! Have 1 supporter! xD
Actually, we have many supporters just that they're not physically there.
We watched the first few groups perform and REALLY wanted to quit.
Then, we saw a few more groups perform and our confidence came back.
There was this grim reaper walking around.
We were standing in a group near the stage when the grim reaper came.
I didn't notice it until I heard someone shriek.
I turned around and ran away with Si Yi and Marlene.
HAHAs. I knew it was a person in a costume but it was quite scary . xD
Obviously, we didn't won.
Chiong-ed to church for FFW.
o.o forgot to blog about the excursion to Chinatown.
Next time barhs.