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Can we pretend that AIRPLANES in the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now.

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27.o3.o9! SPORTS DAY!
Friday, 27 March 2009 5:08 pm
was so high today.
not sot ars..
there's a difference.

It was sports day today.
Went to school at my usual time.
Saw Cheryl O.P.R. at the bus stop.
Sat down and took out bottles xD
duno wad to write on them larhs .
Later, I went into the school while she waited for her friend.
Saw 1D'ians around a table at the canteen.
went over.
Decorated the bottles and Joanna brought EXTRA beans!! xD
poured them into the bottle.
den, dey want us go quadrangle.
hahs . pack like siao.
den sat down there, tearing the pom-pom.
[not making it worse... making it better! xD]
Sooner or later, we boarded the bus.
Practiced cheering on the bus. [Though not very loud.... ._.]

Tune: When the saints go marching in? xD
Yellow Yellow! (OI! OI!)
Yellow Yellow! (OI! OI!)
Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow~ (OI! OI!)
Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow~ (OI! OI!)
Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow~ (OI! OI!)

Yellow ke teng gay teng gay teng gay~
Yellow ke teng gay teng gay teng!
Yellow ke teng gay teng gay teng gay~
Yellow ke teng gay teng gay teng!

It's cold in here!
I say there must be some YELLOW in the atmosphere!
I say

Reached the stadium.
Went to our seats.^^
Watched them race.
WAH! SO exciting! xD
There was novelty race!!
There was even a race for the teachers from each house!
So fun larhs! xD
Kept screaming and shouting.
Surprisingly, my throat feels kinda' fine!! xD
CCA relay oso quite fun to watch. xD
The cheerobics finals!
So ENTHU!!!!
So HYPER!!!!
2E had a special guest!
They even made a tee for him!
Then I could faintly hear them cheer:" We love, We love Thunder Chong, Mr Chong!" xD
Mr Chong was jumping up and down going crazy with the class. xD
It's no wonder they won!
Here are some of the songs the classes used.

All eyes on me
in the center of the ring
just like a circus, uh huh.

when I crack that whip
everybody gonna trip just like a circus, uh huh

don't stand there watching me,
follow me
show me what you can do

everybody let go
we can make the dance floor
just like a circus~

I see you lookin at me
Like I'm some kind of freak
Get up outta your seat
Why dont you do somethin'?

I see you lookin' at me
Like I got what you need
Get up outta your seat
Why dont you do somethin'?

Shake, shake, shake, shake, uh shake it! xD

2E guys did the chair dance!!!!! OMiiGOSH!!!

Jo was singing to Circus and YiJia hit her. xD
To Jo: sooner or later, the class will get used to your singing voice. xD
Prize presenting before taking the school bus back to school.
Tired and yet, went to chiong maths homework.
Got stuck on one of the questions...
Kept staring at it...
Pondering how to solve it...
16 Min later, I found out that my head was on the table!
Apparently, I fell asleep.
I came up with the following reasons why I fell asleep:
I was really tired after screaming for who knows how long...
The maths question was SO tough that my brain had a complete meltdown...
My brain decided to go on a 16 min vacation and left my head for HAWAII~
I was almost going into a coma and I managed to wake up from it. [aiya, this one sucks the most]

-Mich.C X= Signing off~
Hope you had a nice time reading my blog! xD
Will post!
[sooner... or... later...]
[actually, more of later...]
[VERY VERY much later... xD]

---adding on...---
This is written at 10.18PM
Daphyy tagged me this quiz.
so... do lorhs. xD

All 21 people must do unless you don't have a blog.Write the names of 16 friends you can think of in your head,And then answer the questions,Say you're guessing if you don't know,But at least guess on all of them.After doing this, tag your 21 unlucky friends to do the same.
1.Zinnia Tan!:D
2.Charmain Wong!:D
3.Xiao Min!:D
4.POH wenting!:D
6.Yi Li!:D
8.Koh Min Huay!:D
9.Clare Ching!:D
11.Cheryl Ong P.R.!:D
12.Clarence C.!:D
14.Zhi Wei!:D
15.Boon Chong!:D
16.Chen Kai!:D
19.Tek Wei!:D
20.Miracle Josua!:D
21.Hui Min!:D

1.How did you meet 7 ?- Jolene!JOJO!:D
2.What would you do if you and 15 had never met ?- Boon Chong!:D
idk...I would have never laughed at his jokes? cos never met!xD[-.-"lame...]
3. What would you do if 20 and 1 dated ?- Miracle Josua!:D, .Zinnia Tan!:D
Wah, never thought about it... Hmm...
I would go and congratulate dem! 2 of my GANs together! xD
4. Have you seen 17 cried ?- Anders!:D
Ya know what? I don't think so lehs...
hmm... *thinking...*
5. Would 4 and 16 make a good couple ?-POH wenting!:D, Chen Kai!:D
Wah, one SO der tall. The other... erm.. aiya dun say.
[Later die. xD]
6. Do you think 11 is attractive ?- Cheryl Ong P.R.!:D
Funny, cute girl-girl!xD
7. What's 2 favourite colour ?- Charmain Wong!:D
idk... A colour that can be found on a colour wheel / colour chart!
8. When was the last time you talked to 9 ?- Clare Ching!:D
This morning! xD
9. What language does 8 speaks ?- .Koh Min Huay!:D
English and Chinese? Your average singaporean student! xD
10. Who is 13 going out with ?- Justin!:D
HAHAS! You go ask him barhs! I doubt have.. xD
11. Would you ever date 16 ?- Chen Kai!:D
NONONONONONO! Why so suay! WTH!!!!
13. What's the best thing about 4?- POH wenting!:D
Sometimes lame, sometimes funny der POH WENTING! xD
14. What would you like to tell 10 rite now ?- Vanessa!:D
You need buy new button liao right? xD
15. What's the best thing about 20 ?- Miracle Josua!:D
Play badminton SO SUPER well der RI boy! xD
16. Have you ever kiss 2 ?- Charmain Wong!:D
Hmm... Should be no. Unless like typing out "*muacks*" den maybe have...
STM larhs... Sowie...
17. What's the best memory you have of 5 ?- MICHELLE LIM!ML!!:D
Her LOUD LOUD laughter! XD
18. When's the next time you're gonna see 4 ?- POH wenting!:D
Class gathering barhs... Eh, must go arhs.. if not i box eu! xD
19. How is 7 different from 6 ?- Yi Li!:D, Jolene!JOJO!:D
2 almost absolutely different people!
YI LI: bully larhs... make my hands and feet ache! xD
JOLENE: funny little "kitty" that make my stomach muscles ache from luaghing at her!
20. Is 2 pretty ?- Charmain Wong!:D
21. What's your 1st impression of 15 ?- Boon Chong!:D
I forgot liaos... guiakia?? xD
About 8 years ago! xD [if include kindergarden...]
22. How do you meet 3 ?- Xiao Min!:D
1D'03! *takes out class photo* wahh! so cute!!!!
23. Is 15 your best friend ?- Boon Chong!:D
Nope .
24. Do you hate 12 ?- Clarence C.!:D
Nope . My dii larhs.. xD
25. Have you seen 18 in the last month ?- Esmonde!:D
Nope . [3 'nopes' in a row! xD]
26. When was the last time you saw 16 ?- .Chen Kai!:D
2009 CNY gathering at NCPS! xD
27. Have you been to 5's house ?- .MICHELLE LIM!ML!!:D
Nope .
28. When's the next time you'll see 10 ?- .Vanessa!:D
Monday? At school?
29. Are you close to 11 ?- Cheryl Ong P.R.!:D
Just known her for 3 months nia... Not so fast right? xD
30. Have you been to the movies with 4 ?- POH wenting!:D
31. Have you gotten into trouble with 8 ?- .Koh Min Huay!:D
Not any MAJOR trouble... xD
32. Would you give 19 a hug ?- Tek Wei!:D
For what ars?
33. When have you lied to 3 ?- Xiao Min!:D
Nope .
34. Is 11 good at socializing ?- Cheryl Ong P.R.!:D
Well, she made friends with me? xD
35. Do you know a secret about 8 ?- Koh Min Huay!:D
Yar... But I keep this little kitty in the bag. Don't worry! xD
36. Describe the relationship between 12 and 18.- Clarence C.!:D, Esmonde!:D
6D'08 pals! Both are my dii!
37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9 ?- Clare Ching!:D
She is SOOOO Cute and Funneh! xD
38. What's the worst thing about 6 ?- Yi Li!:D
She is a bit violent but in a good way! It's fun! xD
39. Do you have a crush on 12 ?- Clarence C.!:D
I can honestly say, NO.
40.How long have you known 2 ?- Charmain Wong!:D
P1 same class... after that, no talking... then P6 start talking again! xD
41. Does 11 have any boyfriend?- Cheryl Ong P.R.!:D
Maybe? Idk... secret one lehs? xD Seriously, IDK...
42. Have you wanted to punch 1 in the face ? - Zinnia Tan!:D
YES!!!!!!!!! In a jokey manner. Not anger issues... xD
43. Have 21 meet your parents ?- Hui Min!:D
Nope .
44. How did you meet 1 ?- Zinnia Tan!:D
P2A'04!! xD
45. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3 ?- Xiao Min!:D
I dun tink so... XM!!! Have I? Have ars? OMiiGOSH! SOWIE!
46. Did you live close to 7 ?- Jolene!JOJO!:D
Sengkang and Hougang close anots? xD Up to ya larhs.
47. What's 8 favourite food ?- Koh Min Huay!:D
Chicken Rice? or... dau huay!! xD
48. What kind of car does 6 have ?- .Yi Li!:D
49. Have you travelled anywhere with 9 ?- Clare Ching!:D
Overseas? huh? no ...
50. If you gave 14 a $100, what would she/he spend it on ?- Zhi Wei!:D
Stuff... That he wants to spend the money on... xD
Why I give him $100 anyway? hahs .