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Can we pretend that AIRPLANES in the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now.

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Mathematics and English. xD
Friday, 27 February 2009 5:08 pm
Went to school and suddenly remembered something.
I was at the quadrangle chiong-ing like mad.
Then, went into classroom and the maths test began.
-8 marks for the test already! @.@
After that, ENGLISH.
Wow, my summary was like 130 words. [or was it 129?]

If I were poor Anna, I would be screaming my guts out and would be very very dizzy and nauseous after the ride. Upon seeing my sister, Mary with her rucksack slung over her shoulders, I would most likely not do anything to her as I would not care that much until a few hours or so as I would be feeling much better.
Our conversation would go...
A: WTFH was that about?! I pushed through the crowd just to get back to the car for your bag and here you are carrying it! I rode that freakin' scary ride again 'cos of you.
M: What are you talking about? I did not ride it at all. It's too scary for me. You were the one who cut through the lines. Somehow, they let you.
A: HELLO! Don't you play dumb with me. You said you left it in the left side of the car and when I groped about looking for it, NOTHING.
M: Why would my rucksack be in the car? I did not even get in line let alone get on the car.
A:ARGH! I'll get my revenge on you one day. You will rue what you have done to me. YOU WILL RUE IT! *Angrily, she stomped away*
M: What in the world was that about?

NO, this is not my summary! Duh...

Yea, nothing much.
I did not leave the classroom at all.
I was so super busy rushing through my history worksheet.
Then, maths lesson.
Ms Sng so punctual.
She step into the class.
A minute later, the bell rang. xD
Teacher was rushing through stuff like crazy.
I was still doing the history worksheet and listening AND writing down whatever I could catch up with.
@.@ it was very confusing.
Then english lesson.
Aww... have to write a anti-drug essay again.
ARGH! I write this type of stuff on like a yearly basis.
And I always write the same story as I have totally no idea what to write.
Just wrote down my story in point form and slacked.
Jolene and I were singing the muttons to midnight thingy.
Last year valentines' the poscast.
SO funny.
Then, went home lohs..
Jolene sent to me the podcast we sang in class.xD
Later going to town with parents to buy don't know what my mom wants to buy. xD

Yijia tagged me this quiz.
Let's look at my ridiculous answers, shall we?

Rules:It's harder than it looks!
Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
They have to be real; nothing made up!
If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers.
You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : MICHELLE
2. A four Letter Word : make [its a word!]
3. A boy's Name : Micheal
4. A girl's Name : Michaela [Mi-kay-la sounds so nice lohs!]
5. An occupation : Magician! [Woohoo! I lubb magic!]
6. A color : Maroon [Nono. Almost a moron]
7. Something you'll wear : Mickey mouse shirt/costume!
9. A food : Mutton [LAMB!]
10. Something found in the bathroom: Mug [Save water kay?]
11. A place : Mount Everest [Bring me there? xD]
12. A reason for being late : My dog ate my alarm clock! [long time never feed? xD]
13. Something you'd shout : MAMAMIA! / MUMMY! HELP ME!
14. A movie title : MAMAMIA!
15. Something you drink : Milk [simple lohs...]
16. A musical group : Maroon 5 [er... no comment]
17. An animal : Moose
18. A street name : Marine Parade? [correct right?]
19. A type of car : Mazda/Mercedes/Mitsubishi
20. The title of a song : Mutton balls.
Here's the video if you don't know the song...

I tag...
Everyone in my links and anyone else who wanna do it. xD