Hais... Posts are getting boring, right?
Friday, 6 February 2009 7:44 pm
There's NO homework today!
This means no homework for the whole weekend!
Tests after tests after tests.
I SERIOUSLY need to study more but how?
Kay, now I'll talk to myself! [Ooh... Split personality!]

KAY! I stop liaos.
Starting to get tired of putting those pixels.
I have fallen in love with the colour GREEN!
What a lovely combination. :D
Nothing much to say. Let's see... How 'bout I talk about school?
As I said earlier, there are many tests lately.
Then, every Thursday I'll stay back in school for Chinese Dance.
Arhh! I CANNOT stretch! Then, like almost everyone else can!

I almost everyday after school will practice the dance moves but then, I forget.
How to memorise? Aiya. Ask Vannessa or Jing Wei for HELP!
That day, Zinnia asked me if I wanted to join modular sports [Hip-Hop] with her and Le'schane as second CCA. I was SO SUPER UBER HAPPY there is this CCA. WOOHOO! But, if this needs money, I'm afraid I can't join as er... aiya, let's just say its the Economy crisis thingy, kay?
I made quite a number of friends. How can I name them all!
SIIAN! Anyone have like jokes to share? I'm bored! I may die know?
"Girl dies of boredom in front of her computer"
"Another person who died of boredom"

Sayonara for now!