Tuesday, 30 December 2008 2:17 am
25th December 2008, Wedensday
Valerie and her family came over first.
Val came over to my house and played Taboo for awhile.
Then, started Karaoke-ing.
My cousins, Abrielle&Aloysius, and their other cousins, Samuel&Sebastian, came over sooner or later.
They brought their presents and stuffed them all under the Christmas tree.
Ahh... The Christmas tree used to be quite tall to me 2 years ago.
Now, I can reach the top of the tree with ease.
xD This means I've grown! HooHoo!
We then had dinner.
Loads of fried stuff.
[argh! So wrecking my diet.]
Oh yar, our neighbours from China came over too but they had already eaten.
After dinner, some began to Karaoke again.
Kids went to pluck out lollipops from the X'mas tree.
[okay... Aloy's maid is not a kid.]
Then kept waiting and waiting for time to pass by.
Waiting to open our prezzies!
[ya know what? Presents get smaller the older ya get.]
den finally, 12AM!
I got a new microphone for my com from my parents. [I waited SO long for this!]
A pretteh necklace+ear rings from Aunt.[sadd lehs... I wanna go pierce ears again... T-T]
A super cute clip and a rubber band from my other Aunt.
They both 很有默契.
Both presents hab butterfly ders.
But they are sisters what. xP
Then they went home.
Then today, went to church with Zinn.
watched people get baptised.
sung songs.
den went home.
den pretty much slacked the rest of the day.
26th December 2008, Friday
Had super loads of FUN today!!
6D'ers had our last gathering for this year and it was held at Kim's.
My cousin had slept over the night before so, he came along with us to the party.
I woke up at 6+AM this time.
But soon went back to sleep.
[too tired larhs..]
den 8+AM woke up again.
packed my stuff.
[clothes, water guns, towel, etc.]
At about 9.50AM, mushroom, Aloy, my cous,and I, went to the overhead bridge nearby and waited...
and waited...
and waited...
Then, our legs got tired.
we decided to go up to Zinn's and rest since Kim hasn't arrived.
[wahh... Kim, eu took quite a long time.]
The three of us went up and mush and aloy started playing the piano randomly.
Zinn's bro then played a song for mush.
[The song played when someone get married that one]
den he ask mush nice or not and den tell him to remember that song.
Zinn's mom then asked her bro to give mush play his gameboy advance.
he handed mush the device and then, aloy took out his psp!
hab PSP still take gameboy advance.
berrii funny har.
later, we went back down, with zinn, and waited for kim at the bus stop.
[still near the overhead bridge]
mummy Kim came!
den went to fetch kor n dii at cp.
den went to her hse le lohs.
ran around preparing stuff.
mostly water balloons and filling bags with water to become water bombs.
fingers became super tired lohs .
tied up quite a number of water balloons.
later, kim n her dad went to fetch the others from cp.
we continued to prepare the bombs for the water fight.
den they finally arrived!
there was this EXTRA person lohs!
den some neba come.
who cares about the stupid teams and wadevas.
*shreds up plans*
first, we had our water fight.
yili did not really threw the water balloons much.
she just squished it in her hands till it went "POP!"
and ... aloy was quite afraid of the sound.
den fight halfway,
kim suddenly shout stop and told us to clean up.
fight finish den clean wads.
shocked me abit lehs.
after the fight,
we picked up what's left of the water balloons and plastic bags.
den we played scisscors, paper, SPLASH!!
the remaining water was then poured onto mush and aloy.
[dey wanted to be splashed]
den we all went to dry up.
den go and play our own games.
went into the game room and played Taboo.
I seriously hab a small vocabulary.
later eng tests fail!
den I cannot speak english properlly lerhs .
den ii hab to blog everything in chinese!
out of story.
ok .
uno stacks...
your pick!
den went back down to the front yard and set up the barbecue .
den ate .
nonsensical stuff were spread.
but hu cares.
dun talk to the idiotic sickos can liaos .
hear no evil . hear liaos oso dun speak to the evil.
den we took group photos!!
den we took kim's car back home.
I was tired but continued to watch tv anyway.
den fell asleep on the couch.
den my parents came back from orchard road
and I woke up finding a new purple Crumpler bag was infront of me!!!!
den ii saw my aunt .
she really buy datt for my x'mas prezzie lehs ..
den my mom say dey drive from one place to another to get that bag.
the website says it is limited edition.
I'm neba gonna dirty dis bag!
27th December 2008, Saturday
went to Wild Wild Wet today!
aloy came along!
we played the ulalar and the playground and the tsunami and the shiok river etc.!
wahh ...
ii getting tanner and tanner sia.
28th December 2008, Sunday
went to church wib zinn.
hais .. last sunday of the year 2008.
and also the last time ii will b in children church.
zinn said datt she had a bbq at the church th day before.
hais .. sad..
missed out on the fun.
oh well...
at least ii had fun at wild wild wet.
den went home and then went to NCHS to see whether it was open.
den went to heartland mall.
ate lunch and then went shopping.
went to BANANA and bought a set of clothes!!!
it was on sale!
hais .. if only ii liked pink.
den ii would have saved a lot of time on choosing the clothes lohs.
den went around looking for matching shoes.
den went home liaos .
29th December 2008, Monday
Parents brought us out shopping for shoes today.
mush kept wanting B.U.M. equipment ders .
while I wanted converse.
went to tampiness mall.
walked around .
and guess what.
wondering what do I mean by again?
ii had swimming lessons a few years back and my ears hurt whenever ii swim.
den ii decided to take off my earings lohs .
to stop the pain.
den a few months later, ii did not go for swimming lessons anymore.
"do I know how to swim then?"
ans: NO!
ii totally forget lerhs .
hahas .
my skin still quite dark seh ?
den went to plaza singapura and walked around .
my mom wanted to put G-mask on her fone sia .
she saw the price and then walked away.
tsk tsk tsk.
den continue searching for shoes .
den went to queensway and searched again.
at last!
we got our shoes!
my first pair of converse ALL STAR shoes!
den went to cp and then bought 2 pairs of shoelaces each. [ mush n ii that is .]
den spent dunos how long lacing the shoes.
and den ii started blogging .
ya noe wads the time now ?
hais ...
tired liaos .
cannot stop yawning.
nitey-nites !!
Youth X'mas parteh @ SKMC
Monday, 22 December 2008 12:46 pm
21 December 2008, Sunday
Woke up at 7+am for no reason.
Got ready to go to SKMC after breakfast.[9+ I think...]
Went over to Zinn's and walked to SKMC with her and her mom.
Went up to the 2nd floor and saw Charmian!
She was going to Hong Kong later that day.
after service, went home with Zinn and then went back to SKMC at about 2.45pm.
If you are thinking "for what?"
you obviously don't read my posts that much. -.-
Saw *Brittany and later, *Sheryl.
den went up to the third floor and registered.
den went into room 3-1.
rehearsed for the caroling later on.
Then went into groups [4] and went down to the first floor.
[mii group 3]
played a game. [it was played at the camp too]

2 people hold up a blanket.
den 2 groups of people sit on opposite sides.
pick out a person to sit near the blanket.
the 2 people will then put down the blanket and then the people near the blanket must shout the person on the side's name quickly.
First person to shout wins a point for the group.
xD I can see super confused faces liaos .
team 1&2 went to play at the grids first and 3&4 played improvised SPS.
hahas . more confused faces.
[s]cissors [p]aper [s]tone
"Why didn't you type that in the first place?"
my answer: short-cut can?
lined up on the stairs accodording to group.

run around den 'hohoho' den run den 'hohoho' den run and den climb up the stairs.
dun understand? nbm den . xP
den 1&2 played improvised SPS and we went to play the grids.
lined up . held hands and walked around the grids according to sequence and trying our best not to get our hands tangled up.
den went to the stage and did the chain of charades thingy.
xD Mary and Joseph travelling to Bethlehem become duno wad crap larhs.
'silent night, holy night' become 2 words, ' I DUNNO '
aiya . in short, all end up in a mess larhs .
den went up, got our song books and then went down and practiced caroling again.
den went up to hab our dinner.
den went back into room 3-1 and started the exchanging presents thingy.
I forgot who got my present .
den went out to go caroling!
jux walked around the block singing over and over.
greeting the residents den went to the carpark derr rooftop and got ready to sing there.
[while climbing the stairs omos stepped onto something really unpleasant.]
den sang a few more songs ...
small audience ^^ .
[ i'm not saying that I want a big audience hors. I'll faint on the spot.]
prayed before going home from there.
pray halfway, hp rang.
man, I shldn't hab put that song as ringtone xD but still lubbit!
went back home, drank 2 cups of water.
bathed. brushed. went to bed.
*Any wrong spelling of names, NO OFFENCE DERS... don't kill mii!*
hais ..
I don't think I have anything planned for Christmas.
sho this means .
I think I have been typing for too long.
going sot liaos .
Michelle signing out! xP
my secondary school
Saturday, 20 December 2008 8:55 pm
19 December 2008, Friday.
I went to my secondary school for the next 4 yrs.
Wah, liddat I study in NC 6 yrs..
yea ! Zinn n I same class, 1D!
[My p1 class ! xP]
den Min n Shar in 1B.
me n zinn were lining up to register and we saw LFY!?
I was praying hard he won't come to this class.
den he went to 1B.
[Min n Shar : GL!]
I know have totally no idea what CCA to join.
Continue media club?
Join photography?
Or find something else?
Anyway, I bought my books.
20 December 2008, Saturday
Went to the children X'mas parteh at SKMC today.
erm.. the games are okok lohs .
later goin bishan to go late night shopping.
2moro still hab youth der X'mas parteh.
hahs .
happy lohs..
but still haben buy present.
wondering why I type very messy ?
Cos goin shopping real soon
and also kinda lazy to type liaos .
so... till next time!
S.U.P.E.R. star @ SKMC!
Monday, 15 December 2008 11:23 am
I haven't blogged for a week now.
13th December 2008, Saturday
In the afternoon,
I opened my closet and started mixing and matching clothes.
To wear at the S.U.P.E.R. star lohs.
[I duno how long I took xD]
den I asked Zinn n Char for their opinions.
I can read your mind.
"Is it a very GRAND event?"
I just don't wanna be too normal nor too sot? xP
den abt 5+pm,
I got ready and then sat on the couch watching mushroom play with his xbox.
[Boring but did not fall asleep 'cos wondering what the event was about. =X]
Sooner or later,
Char came over and we went over to Zinn's.
Lols. Both Char and I did not have our dinner before going for the event.
The 3 of us went to blk 303 and bought jelly and ribena sparkling just in case.
We then walked to the church.
[Ok. Wrong choice of shoes. That pair hurt like mad!]
We went to the third floor and then went into the room after signing up.
There was this weird person wearing a hawaiian outfit and carrying a guitar.
He walked around and wanted people to stop calling him his name and instead call him "阿牛"?
Den duno who shouted "阿牛没有奶!"
[Ok. 2 Michelles at this event.]
We sat on the chairs and waited.
Then, Zinnia got a call and was giving directions.
She then turned to the door and ...
lols. She tricked mii!
Say cannot come and yet standing at the door.
Very funny har?
The youths had mini banners to support the erm .. contestants.
The stage had not-so-magically transformed into a catwalk.
You should have guessed what this event is right...?
It is to find who is the FIRST star of SKMC or something like that.
Soon, the event started.
They showed a video of the auditions.
Then the first walk --> SPORTS ATTIRE.
I heard that there was supposed to be 8 contestants but then one of them went overseas.
So, only 7.
[hahas. my lil' lucky number.]
1st on the stage was *Linette followed by *Winson and then *Sandy then *Jan and next, *Joe after that, *Stacey and finally, *Kai Wen
[ARGH! I HAVE SUCH A BAD MEMORY! please..... dun kill mii if iie spelt your name wrongly]
The contestants then went to get ready for the next item.
While waiting, we had a GvsB game.
the first game was stuffing the most marshmallows into your mouth.
of cos B win larhs.
Then was longest breath.
had to say super and then drag the word 'star' the longest.
dunnid sae one larhs. of cos B win..
Then was the widest forehead.
a guy represented G.
B still won cos 30cm lehs ...
Then next, another guy represented G for this one.
Most leg hair.
hahs .
onii datt person went up and showed his leg hair.
let ppl take pics of his leg hair.
Then, the contestants came out again to show their talents.
2 sang songs another 2 danced someone shot hoops another played the drums and another played the flute.
Then a video clip and then a song by Sun Yan.
She then told us about her life and so on.
[She is a singer from China and met her chosen one in SG.]
The contestants then came out again in their prom night outfits and they were questioned.
they then went in and soon came out again singing a song.
the winner was then announced and then we went next door for food.
did not feel like eating...
but had a problem with the jelly.
we gave them out for free.xD
my spoon dropped on the floor and iie had a hard time eating the jelly lohs .
char, yili, zinn and I then went down to the first floor.
soon, jessica came and we started catwalking?
den went home and saw datt aloy and abrielle were here.
*Wrong spelling or sequence dun kill mii! PLEASE ...*
14 December 2008, Sunday
Woke up quite late lohs .
den rushed to chng clothes and then went to meet zinn and then go to church.
parents den fetched mii n bro home.
later, we went to fetch aloy n abrielle and then,
we went to marina the giordano then go paragon the giodarno to shop.
hahs. dad recieved 50% discount wad..
[hahs . nothing for me.]
den went bac to cousins' hse for dinner.
wahh. stand infront of their window feel like one of the nights in xiamen lehs..
the wind was berii berii cold.
my aunt was wearing a jacket lohs .
ok. end of my post liaos .
cos I type until headache.XD
I wan go WWW!
Tuesday, 2 December 2008 11:49 am
I was reading my past posts as I was wondering when did I change my blog name to applecandy-dd.
I read the one when val had a chalet at DTE and invited olive, crys and I to go WWW!
aww ..
long time neba go there liaos ..
and now,
its the holidays!
hmm ..
who wan organise?
hmm ..
nxt yr 6D'ers wan hab our gathering dere anots?
yesh ?
no ?
tag at class blog's or my tagboard your answer!
I'll tally up the results and majourity wins!
For those who say no to this, please give another idea for the gathering.
I'm already SHO excited!!
can't wait for ya answers!
I'll post my plans for the gathering at the class blog!
to kor: ya planning the gathering right? consider it!
The time now is 12:47 AM.
It is the third of december by 48 minutes.
everyone is already asleep.
you are definitely reading this after this time one wads...
crys meii jux off9 n iie hab no one to chat wib.
aww ..
if this goes on,
i'm gonna b nocturnal!
go tuh sleep gurl!
argh ...
not working.
okay .
maybe if I blog a long one,
I may slowly fall to sleep.
[or maybe not]
let's see.
Christmas is around the corner and you can see many decorations hung up.
not for my house.
I don't think my parents are even planning to celebrate Xmas this year.
good thing my church is.
Last year and the year before that,
my parents would put up that nice christmas tree and celebrate or just put our presents under it and test our endurance.
I'm jokin about the part about the presents.
when my mom bought that xmas tree 2 yrs ago [I think it was 2yrs ago...] she had many plans made.
that year: blue and silver decorations !
then, for the next year, she planned red and gold decorations!
and guess what happened the next year, we used back the same decorations.
mostly because lazy to shop and not much money to spend on.
what a quiet xmas this is gonna be for me...
if there was a song,
it would go.
ohh~ a quiet christmas ...
ohh~ a humid christmas ...
for a girl in singapore ...
its past 1.oo liaos .
n still not sleepy...
think ...
a christmas tree?
a snow covered land?
a snowman?
red and green?
beautiful decorations?
orchard road?
a warm dinner withn family and friends?
a party?
birth of Jesus?
many more to list but what's the use if I list them all ...
hais ..
can't seem of more to blog about.
now, I shall browse through TF clothes.
see, I totally HEART shopping!
lols .