class parteh
Saturday, 29 November 2008 11:48 pm
24th November 2008, Monday
Class gathering today
best part is ...
No teachers to say do this, don't do that, do what I say and blah!
I don't know what time I woke up but I know that it was quite early lohs.
When I reached CP,
I first saw kor sitting on a bench outside 7-11.
When I turned around,
I saw dii looking at a noticeboard.
And kor said that nobody was there?
Much later,
MichelleL and Xin Yi came.
den I saw An Qi and then Row.
The boys followed Row and An Qi
[take bus]
while the rest of us
[including wen ting]
took Yi Li's car to Anders' house.
Went up to his house.
Went in.
He slamed his room door.
we then went down and met the rest.
den went up.
den went down to the playground.
I kept spinning around for duno how many rounds on the thingy till I felt dizzy and felt like puking lohs ..@.@
[maybe it was cos of the coke I drank midway.]
den back up to anders' house.
den went down AGAIN.
den went to function room.
set up the tables and chairs and then had lunch.
[woah it cost a lot lohs .]
I ate chilli and I did not know till the "spicyness"[?duno how to describe] filled my mouth.
and silly me went to drink coke and den I had a SERIOUS headache.
and when I was having that headache,
MichelleL kept banging an empty coke bottle.
After lunch, we played musical chairs and then pass the parcel.
the parcel was not a parcel but a small soccer ball.
den some of dem went to the games room.
after that, play water.
had a swim.
den ML's dad only came at 7+ sia.
kept waiting and waiting.
den finally reached home.
I have been getting injuries for no reason lately.
my head, legs and arms have been hitting edges of tables, chairs, stuff lying on the floor and more.
How clumsy am I!?
i'm in a conversation wib Yi Li and chester.
and they're having a spamming war.[typical...-.-]
how annoying it is to hear the ringing tone over n over n over.
*hey teachers! no offence.
29 November 2008,Friday
This morning,
something TOTALLY uncalled for happened...
I was lying on my bed
[I was too lazy to wake up]
then the phone rang.
My mom picked up the phone and sounded shocked.
she rushed to the door and went out.
I assumed that nothing big happened and closed my eyes.
When I finally woke up a few minutes later,
I went over to my grandma's hse
[next door]
to see if my mom was there.
To my surprise,
the walls outside her house were totally black and there was a little burnt smell in the air.
I looked through the windows and saw little black ashes on the furniture and floor.
iie saw my mom sitting on a chair.
she then told me that my grandparents had gone out.
my grandma was woken up by little En En's
[the baby my grandma is babysitting]
grandma saw the fire and called my grandpa to come back.
[iie don't know why he was out.]
she then hurriedly went to the toilet and filled up a bucket of water.
but then, she slipped and fell on the toilet floor.
she hit her hand and it hurt really badly.
grandpa then brought her to the hospital.
okay, its almost midnight and the flat is real quiet.
l0ng tiime n0 p0stiiE!
Sunday, 23 November 2008 4:05 pm
Here's my belated post on my class barbecue!
After school,
I rushed home and bathed.
I went nextdoor to my grandma's and had lunch.
I den heard footsteps outside the door.
I turned and saw ML walking past to my hse.
I invited her in.
After a few more spoofuls of porridge,
we went over to my house and rushed.
Take some stuff...
Put into bag...
Den when we were leaving the house,
I felt that I had forgotten something.
I went back into the house and to my room but could not seem to remember what I wanted to get.
We rushed downstairs and was making our way to CP when Wen Ting called.
Rowena's mom then drove over to my block to fetch us.
Then, I remembered what I had forgotten to take.
hais ..
Reached E-hub and we went bowling.
^^ I only took pics of them playing.
hahs .
Rowena won!
We then went grocery shopping for the barbecue.
run here and there.
someone called my hp and said that it was raining heavily at SengKang.
[ its either ck or cc .. ]
After awhile,
it rained there as well!
we then put back the stuff and walked around the mall.
then we went to the arcade.
geuss wad we did.
I was sho happy lehs ..
not like CP ders ..
one background .
[ no offence ]
ml was sitting on a toilet.
edited and printed them out.
we then rushed back down to the NTUC and quickly bought the stuff.
carried it out of the mall,
crossed a street to a bus stop and Rowena's mom came over to drive us to Pasir Ris Park.
carried the stuff over to the pit.
we shouted for help but people were busy playing on the beach.
tsk tsk tsk..
duno how many bottles of water lehs ..
we put down the stuff and our bags and went down to the beach.
played dog and bone and then everyone got wet.
[except those who didn't want to get wet and stayed at the bbq pit.]
After a few splashes in the sea,
I went up to the pit and took my bag with me to the toilet.
ml den followed and after a while,
we came out with water guns!
wahaha .
I passed the water guns to them and iie got the bags for the water bombs from ck.
went to the toilet wib some GAL 6D'ers.
came out wib 3-4 bombs ready for a water fight.
stood on top of the big rock and...
ready... aim ... FIRE!
all hit .
[duno hit who larhs ..]
went back to the toilet and filled up more.
after the fight and some more splashing in water,
we went to wash up .
[ well, change larhs .. ]
den when I came out ,
iie forgot that I had another wet game.
nbm .
continued with it.
on the third or fourth splash,
Justin splashed onto Row's baqq.
She made us move to another place.
Spoilt Sport..
Your bag oso hab wet clothes right ?
it wunt get wet mehs ?
[ARGH !!!!!!]
EU can clearly see that we are playing wet games and YOU put YOUR bag there.
eben if it is our fault,
dunnid to shout rite ?
wet den wet larhs .
still shout.
hais ..
ai ya .. no offence .
iie jux had these words in my head ...
now, I dun really feel like datt ..
[to row: dun angry wor ..]
the remaining water in the bucket was then poured onto me.
we then played more games, barbecued and went home!
Heyy people!
She's back from her trip to Xiamen and she's gonna blog !
3 b'dehs celebrated!
Mr Lee's, Ms Ng's and Ynez' !
How we celebrated each?
Mr Lee's is on 14th nov but celebrated on 12th nov night as Mrs Soong has to leave on the 13th.
Everyone went into Ms Ng's and Mrs Soong's room.
Got into our places while Mrs Soong went to trick Mr Lee into going into the room to "fix her lugguage".
When he came in,
we weren't ready!
And he saw the huge cake already!
we started singing happy birthday and then had cake!
then back to our rooms!
Ms Ng's [mummy] was much more fun!
During dinner,
Mr Ren suddenly whipped out a cake from the counter.
hahs .
sang happy birthday again!
then, at 10+pm, back at the hotel, all 13 daughters of mummy, went into Yvonne and Stella's room and got ready a surprise for mummy!
Stella [Lao Si], lay down in bed and pretended to fall sick.
An Qi [Lao Shi], went to find mummy and brought her to the room.
everyone hid in the toilet, behind curtains, cabinets and closet.
Stella sho pro!
wad a GREAT actress!
hahas .
mummy was sho surprised when she saw us!
hahas .
it was already midnight which meant it was Ynez' [lao er] b'deh!
she did her cha cha dance to make us laugh!
hahs .
shu yin [ lao ba ] danced with her randomly made mii laugh even more!
20th November 2008
Today's the day we get our PSLE results!I'm not really THAT nervous...
Get then get lohs..
cannot do anything about the results le rights?
when it was my turn to get my report book, iie could not stand up as I had sprained my ankle at the parade area.
[ it still hurts now....]
A 234!
I did not know whether to be happy or sad!
Cannot go Xinmin but then quite a no. of my friends scored about the same.
how ?
my mom called up her sis, her friends, all say "ohh.. very good!".
but the no. oso quite cute.
hahas .
kayy kayy..
i'm tired now.
-Camp 3-
Sunday, 2 November 2008 1:03 pm
I'm so behind my "blogging schedule".
here's part 3 of CAMP!

The night before,
we slept in the camp comittee's room as ours was infested with disgusting little termites!
[their nest was under the stopper behind the door and it extended!!]
The camp comittee slept in the hall.

[Aww... See, what nice people they are...]
When I woke up, I saw Zinnia sitting up on the bed.
[Woah, I woke up later than the day before ?]
We went out and saw that they were sleeping on cushions.
After some time,
I went to change.
We then had breakfast.
Leftovers from the bbq the night before and toast.
[Super full lorhs ..
Duno how many pieces of toast I ate...
We then, packed up and left for SKMC.
We went to a room on the second floor and put our bags at a corner.
We then played a game called Island.
Then, a game called Polar Bear.
After that,
we went back into our groups and went down to the field to play more games!
[I don't wish to elaborate as it is a lot of stuff...]
We went back to the church and bathed.
Then, we had lunch.
After lunch, free time.
Hung out at the bay.
An air-conditioned room with snacks and games.
then, we went back to the room and was given a talk by sec students.
They talked about how they adapted to sec life.
The talk just made me even more nervous about it.
Then a talk by Moses.
[If I remember his name correctly.]

Fantastic Four!

[xD How *ironic.]
Well, someone has to be last even if you did really well right?
Anyway, you guys still hab prizes !


woots~ gratz Kim!

Yeah! Great job!


We then brought our bags to a room on the third floor.
Then, dinner time!
KFC shroom burger with coca cola and whipped potato.
there was this powerpoint that I think is very cute.
Anyone hab it?
can send to mii anots ...?
Den went home le lohs ...
till next time!
*I'm not sure whether it's spelt like that..