CAMP! -part2-
Friday, 24 October 2008 9:06 pm
I'm so happy that you people read my posts!

Why would I think that you guys don't read my posts?
when I just created a blog,
I am usually lazy to read my friends' posts cos they are usually super duper long.
Then, I started to read them and really found them interesting.
And now, I'm trying my best to type super long posts.
Not to test or torture you all but just to make my posts more interesting?

How do I know?
You guys ask me to POST more!
Of Course this means that you want to read more right?
Or maybe I mistook it ...
Before you continue reading the rest of the post there are some things to note when you are reading.
If not, you will not understand anything.

So you better read that part and not skip it.




Oh Well,
Here's the not-so-long-awaited PART 2 !

--Part 2 of CAMP!--
I opened my eyes at 4+AM but then I saw no one awake.
So, I went back to sleep with only a sleeping bag between me and the cold, hard floor.
I'm not exaggerating.
It is really hard and cold!
I woke up at 6.00AM as I was not tired anymore and also because I saw Zinn awake.

#Zinn then told me that she could not sleep well the night before and that she kept waking up every hour.
Charmaine had moved up to sleep on the bed.
How you might ask, we pushed the beds next to each other.
Kim, was then sleeping on my right while Bel was on my left.
Zin and I moved near to the door and folded our sleeping bags.
#She put hers down on the floor first and then my sleeping bag on top of it.
Both of us just sat there and looked around in the dark, looked at handphone, opened the door once in awhile, then at 6.30AM, wake-up alarms rang and we switched on the lights to make sure to wake up EVERYONE.
All of us then took turns to get ready for the big day ahead and went downstairs to the hall.
Since we were early,
we went to take a stroll around.
Its a good thing we were near the gate between the chalet and the beach.
Boy, was the beach DIRTY!

[I have pictures of the litter for post-use but then, I can't seem to upload it up.]
After some time, we went back.
We then had breakfast.
[A hot dog with a bun.]
After breakfast,
We had a short talk before we had QT.
And by QT, I mean [Q]uiet [T]ime.
Zin, Bel, Kim and I went back to the beach again, along with the rest and sat on a big rock.
Then, we started praying.
Well, not for Kim as she is not christian.
A few mintues later, we went back to the chalet.
We then had indoor games!
We had to complete diffrent types of games in less than 2 hours.
[I forgot the exact time but I don't have to be THAT specific right?]
We had to complete:

Then, it was lunch time!
Yummy spaghetti !
After finishing our spaghetti and washing our utensils, plates and cups, we had a jelly cup each.
But before Kim and I ate it, we went up the stairs to our room to put away our untensils.
Kim started packing the sleeping bags and saw that there were white little bugs crawling on Zinnia's.[the bugs looked a bit like ants]
I screamed and jumped onto the bed.
We then informed the camp comittee.
We took out our sleeping bags and kept flapping them to make them drop off.
[well, not me. HEY, I'm scared!]
Xiao Min stepped them and the ones in the room too.
[OF COS WITH SHOES.. don't be silly.. stepping on them bare-footed..]
After seeing that there were no more bugs, we put our sleeping bags back in.
[Silly much?]
Then, a talk.
Erm, kinda boring but quite hmm... how to put it .. useful?
[can't seem to think of that adjective]
We then had wet games again!
Peace and Fantastic 4 played against each other.
First, Scissors-paper-stone.



we went to the basketball court and played another game.
We had to line up at one side of the court and shout 'mai tu liao' [hokkien] while running to the other end and continue shouting while unlocking the banana on the chair.
If the combination was wrong,
We had to run back and the next person goes.
If we run out of breath when unlocking,
we had to run back.
After that, we played captain's ball.
What's wrong with that?
Well, the "ball" is a bar of super slippery soap!
Being on the chair is not fun.
standing there..
watching the other team score points..
[Boring, don't cha think?]
Suddenly, groups whatever and nameless came to the court after their game with water and they poured it all on Wan Zhen.
[Aww.. poor thing..]
They said that it was Sheryl's idea.
Wan Zhen was determined to get her revenge.
Then, we played volley-ball using trash bags and water balloons.
[Don't wish to elaborate about it]
When clearing up the mess we made, we had a water balloon filled with soapy water.
Wan Zhen took it and ... SPLASH! A WET SHERYL!
We then had free time.
Xiao Min, Kim, Zinn, Bel, Char and I went to the indoor playground and played with soft balls.
[Kiddy? So what?]
Not long after, Michelle and Jia Wei also joined in the fun.
No sooner had they joined in, Jason and Zi Wen came along.
I was walking about the playground with a purple elephant couch thingy in my hands.
[Silly, no?]
After awhile,
we went back to the chalet for the barbecue [which was also our dinner].
The guys took quite a long time trying to light the fire.
[actually, I wanted to try fanning it as well but then I might have been the only GIRL doing it]
While waiting,
we played Taboo again.
I only answered 2.
[looks like I'm just not good at this..]
den started blowing balloons.
I actually blew them without hurting my cheeks!
First time ya know!?
Grabbed a marker and started drawing on them.
After quite a loooong while,
we had our dinner!
Yummy bbq food!
After that,
more games!
[At basketball court]
Firstly, "Action Bedek".
Then, running around the circle we formed.
Abigail, Char's sis, put the bottle behind me and I stood up, grabbed it, and gave chase immediately.
#[not wearing my slippers.]
[I had to, if I want to sit down again...]
When chasing, I fell down and skinned my knees.
[Aww.. memories of P2 coming back...]
{My skin is still trying to cover it up now still}
The tears roll down my cheeks instantly.
I did not feel like crying at all.
I could feel eyes staring at me.
Mostly concern but some, a little hint of laughter.
[Hard to believe? Well, its true okay?]
I stood up with my knees a bit bent as there was a stinging pain.
Wan Zhen then brought me back to the chalet.
[Limped all the way there.]
Walked on the soil without my shoes..
Went into the toilet and rinsed the wound.
While the rest of them continued the games,
I just sat on a chair, blowing balloons, drawing on them and chatting wib Sheryl.
[hais... I think sec life will be scary lehs ...]
Then, all of us had ice cream while wathing telly.
Not long after the youths had left,[ not including camp comittee ]
the white little bugs I mentioned earlier,
they were termites!
*high-pitched screams of horror and fear*
Everyone took their stuff and evacuated from the room.
They then started emptying the bags and whatever, checked and double checked that there were no termites.
[I did not help as, again, I WAS SCARED! And also, my knees were killing me!]
The only thing I did was grab my stuff down.
[HELLO! I'm talking about Chua Michelle here. The timid big crybaby!]
{I ADMIT! I'M PATHETIC! Now, What do ya wanna do about it? Change me? It'll take more than a life time to do that...}
After this, we bathed and slept in the camp comittee's room.
While the camp comittee slept in the hall.
[I feel so sorry... I owe ya guys BIG-TIME !]
The next day is to be continued the next time.
Woah ....
I'm way behind my events.
I hab 4 more to post and 2 more stuff coming up the coming week!
Gotta go rest now.
I don't think I'm going ut 2moro.
Maybe I'll spend the whole day blogging.
*deep in thought*
oh well,
Monday, 20 October 2008 10:10 am
I came back from my camp on Sat.
You don't know ?
I'll post about it and I'll try my best to make it as detailed as ever.
16th October 2oo8,Thursday
I woke up at around 7.45am.
Had bread for breakfast and then took a shower.
At 11.30am,
[-.-" Quite early..]
my grandma made porridge for me for lunch.
Did a last minute check on my bag and called Zinnia whether I could go over to her house early.
I dragged my trolley bag to the overhead bridge near her house and people kept staring at me.
You people never see a girl with a trolley bag before ?!
o(>.<)o Reached Zinnia's house.
After awhile, we went downstairs to find Kimberlyn.
Sho 准, she just reach.
We went up and kim n I went down to wait for Esabel and put my bag into her car.
Guess who we saw when we walked out of the lift..
ESABEL ! hahs .
She went up and kim brought mii to her car.
nicee! xD
den kim went to find zinn and Esa..
and they just came down...
put all our baqqs and were on our way!
[ berii short drive onii.... ]
we went to the 2nd floor and put our bags down.
o.o ! Xiao Min, Charmiane, Stella ??
they were dere too!
iie had a feeling that we were gonna hab fun .
everyone took a piece of paper from a box that determined which group they were gonna b in for the whole camp.
[we could not c wad we chose..]
we sat in a circle and took turns to introduce ourselves.
den we played a game.
we were split into 2 groups and played a game wif a "blanket".
[ the "blanket" is a blue curtain .. ]
we had to send one person from the group to sit in front of the "blanket" and when the blanket is put down,
we had to shout the person we see from the other group.
[ i noe .. confusing .. hard to explain...]
den we sat in a circle again and played "neighbours"
[ hmm.. I would like to play dis game at class bbq ^^]
den the 4 groups were revealed by guess-and-check. zinn,kim,esa and I were all separated ..
T-T after some more games
[ iie tink ... ] we went to the Aloha Loyang Chalet at around 3.
[the trip there was kinda short if you ask me ..]
We alighted from the bus and went into the chalet.
we put our bags at a corner and sat down in the hall and listened to aunty OiChee.
She said that there were no rules but orders.
den she introduced the 4Bs .
Be Attentive. Be-have. Be Responsible. Be Here.
See, I hab such a good memory..
can memorise them by order ...
okok .. NEXT !
We were assigned our rooms.
Upper G1 had 6 girls and Upper G2,
which zinn,esa,kim,char,xm,stella and I were in,
had 7 girls.[2nd storey]
The boys [6] had 1 room on the 1st floor and the other room was for the Youths.
We put our bags into our rooms and went back to the hall.
We sat in our groups and had to come up with a group name.
Group 1, FANTASTIC 4 as it was the only group with four people.
(Zinnia, *Charmiane, *Qiu Jin n *Jason, whom they all called 'Leen' for some reason..)
Group 2, WHATEVER well ... it is actually ANYTHING .iie hab no idea why they changed it.
(Kimberlyn, *Xiao Min, *Yu Heng and *Abel)
Group 3, PEACE. MY GROUP! You might be thinking:"Why PEACE ? LMAO !!!"
WELL, firstly, totally girls.
Stella kept whispering to me and I, being the leader had to choose!
how to CHOOSE if I don't have options ?!
I tried to break the ice by saying "lollipop"
[ BEFORE YOU CRITISISE "eeww.. lollipop... sho LMAO .. "etc. CONTINUE READING! ]
since nobody wanted suggest.
I am fine if they at least shook their heads in disagreement but not replying at all is like as if I'M NOT THERE!
[ nono .. dun misunderstand me, I'm not angry at them. REALLY. I'm not angry. A little irritated.. but not angry. ]
( *Stella, *Lillian, *Karis, *Patricia and yours truly! )
Group 4, NAMELESS. No, REALLY, it is called NAMELESS and not that they do not have a name.
( Esabel, Sheryl, Keren, Owen and Zi Wen )
We were then handed an egg and were supposed to protect it with STRAWS, scotch-tape and scissors.
When finished, the egg will be thrown from the second storey.
My first thought about it: "What the... How to protect an egg with STRAWS larhs !!"
We were planning on making a box around it.
After quite some time, the camp comittee oso joined the activity.
Theirs looked liked the Olympic torch...
[ well, in their opinion anyway... ]
Each of the eggs survived the fall.
we played Taboo.
Stella noticed that the egg started leaking..
[probably iie hit it too hard on the floor when iie was sitting down ?]
OoMiiGosh ...
den iie told *WanZhen about it after the game.
Luckily, we were given another egg and no points were deducted.
the egg was none other than the camp comittee's.
Then, we had dinner.
Fries, chicken chop, a bun and mixed veg. [ corn, carrots, peas ]
hahs .
Poor Aunty OiChee had a huge bunch of leftovers.
well, mostly the mixed veg.
hey, at least I ate some of it ..
[ onii kim n iie ate the mixed veg.
eh ? did bel eat? hmm.. nbm ...]
After dinner,we played candle soccer at an alley beside our chalet.
Then, we had a race at the basketball court opposite our chalet.
we had to get TOTALLY wet and then bob for 3 grapes before eating a marshmallow from a plate filled with flour and finally onto a mat to get a bar of soap .
After that,
we went back to the chalet to have a shower before going down to the hall for supper.
[ well, cheeseballs, leftover fries and water. ]
While waiting for each other to shower,
we took out our sleeping bags and decided where we wanted to sleep.
There were 2 beds and 7 girls.
Stella did not have a sleeping bag.
Sho we're left with one bed.
Xiao Min wanted to sleep on the bed.
datts datt .
den plan where to sleep for the sleeping bags
After supper,
went to brush teeth den sleep.
Zinn kept complaining datt she could not sleep.
den she say she woke up every hour.
Will continue the next 2 days next time!
p.s. iie cut my hair today! [ may post about it next time , or you may visit Dion's blog.
* sowie if any names are misspelt
*︵ - MiichiiE - x✖ ︵*
Wednesday, 15 October 2008 5:34 pm
After school at 3,
[Stayed back for Xiamen Trip training]
I went back home and bathed.
When I came out of the bathroom,
my handphone rang.
ML called.
We were going to Compass Point for a treat from Mr Lee.
I called her back.
She said that there were two pigs in her house that did not want to leave.
At first, I thought one of the pigs was her.
[To ML: ><" sowie ..]
When the call ended,
BC sms-ed and said datt he goin cp to buy snacks for the next day.
[-.-" sho qiao. ML and the rest oso goin to buy..]
Reached CP and saw AQ and XY when heading for Cold Storage.
Soon enough, we saw ML and the rest.
Browsed around the snacks section.
Then, before we even chose which ones we wanted, ML wanted to go to Swensen's and wait for teacher.-.-"
She said that she wanted to reach there earlier than him.
waited for 20+ min .
Then teacher came.
We went in.
yys tell mii choose flavour larhs..
Very funny.
Love the orange sherbert and the erm .. uhh.. hmm .. oh ya! sticky...choco ... something.
I was eating the orange sherbert and I forgot which joke I heard den started laughing.
I almost choked!
[ uue might be thinking: "Choke on ice cream?! yar right ..." Eh, real one okay ! ]
The ice cream tasted a little bit like medicine when laughing.
YL and jie started kicking under the table after finishing the ice cream.
[duno hu started the silly thing ..]
Went back to cold storage again to buy the snacks.
After purchasing,
we walked around .
Popular to Mini Toons to Action City and then to TimeZone.
Took Neoprints!
I'll add the neoprints in when I scan them into my com.
speaking of neoprints,
here are the past neoprints i've scanned.
[note: ALL are taken this year, 2008 ]
6c&&6d gals !

Crystal's B'dae party!

6D'ers !

15th October 2008, Wednesday
Went to school at normal time..
Sat at the parade area..
Flag raising..
Prefects meet at foyer..
went to AVA room..
[yys dey hab a yellow form or smth ?]
Break for 30+min
Boarded bus to SHHK builing.
People were playing songs from their handphones.
[VERY loudly ..]
chatted with kim..
reached .
went into groups.
went into the Thiam Hock Keng temple .
went to the 8th floor of the SHHK building.
den to the rooftop garden to have a break.
went back to school.
stayed back for training.
went home.
Of course many things happened along the way ..
but I'm tired now ..
till next time !
updatee !!
Tuesday, 7 October 2008 6:41 pm
Sorry for not posting for quite some time.
Reason ?
Preparing for PSLE .
DUH ...
Well , for non-HMT pupils anyway...
I'm just so pshyced about the trip to Xiamen !
A week with my fellow schoolmates and teachers to a wonderful place to learn new stuff .
Doesn't it sound great ?
My room-mate is so friendly !
*Jia Yi, is real smiley!
Just thinking about it makes me so excited!
Just can't wait !
Those who came to my blog the day before..
Yes, I changed my first blog song.
WHY, you might ask.
I just HEART 棒棒堂 and am also watching 黑糖群俠傳 .
It is real nice!
Highly recommended by yours truly!
Unless you don't understand Mandarin completely,
you really should watch it.
Here's the lyrics for the song !
[Hey, I typed it out myself kay?
I do not know of any lyrics website .
Don't say I 'bo liao' / nothing better to do / no life etc.]
{ F.Y.I. If I have no life, how can I blog about my life! }
多久了没有你的消息 上一封简讯是星期几
又错过了与你的约定 对不起真的不是故意
有时候没办法陪着你 你总是对我说声没关系
放不下我对你的任性 对不起不该让你伤心
有时候 你会让让我 尽管我大男人发作
有时候 你会装作不懂 默默的留一些空间给我
这些事情 其实我一直都藏在心里
回想着过去 我学着让你更安心
有时候 你会让让我 尽管我大男人发作
有时候 你会装作不懂 默默的留一些空间给我
这些事情 其实我一直都藏在心里
回想着过去 我学着让你更安心
小小的爱情 却是我最大的幸运
疼爱的 想念的都是你
请你相信 一个这样的我请我
请原谅我 对不起 对不起 。。。
hais .
I REALLY miss watching 模范棒棒堂...
Anybody can give me a free poster or two ?
[erm .. I'm serious .
I don't have a single BBT poster !
waa .. T.T ]
After PSLE , o8.1o.2oo8,
went back home to bathe and den went to cp to meet up wib 6d'ers.
woah ..
a lot of ppl from ncps
[and of course other schools]
were there lohs ..
walked, ran and pranked .
blah blah ..
currently watching 黑糖群俠傳 now ..
sho many episodes to go!
woots ~
there's a learning journey to SHHK nxt week and ..
oh ya !
staying over at aloha loyang from 16-18 !
Note to self : bring my cam.
well , nothing more iie guess.
till next time !
* Sorry if names are spelt wrongly.