Friday, 28 September 2007 8:03 pm
= D
Nan Chiau Primary celebrated.....

At the start of the dae,
woke up,
brushed teeth,
den went tuu skool
dey handed derr friend of singa award tuu amirah
den derr compo winners their awards
den a Sharity Elephant video
[[i thought the volume was VERY loud]]
den went bacc tuu class...
den ms nooraina gav us our goodie bag
after a few periods,
went ferr recess...
practice ferr derr music test wif min huay
went down tuu derr hall...
and watched derr children's dae concert~!
Mrs Lai and Mr Zhou were the MCs
[[ tuu prevent any nonsense,DO NORTT SAE THEY ARE ME~!]]
mrs lai wuz a p5 gurl
[[deyy all sae datt she wuz wearing xin yi's uniform]]
Mr Zhou wuzz an old man
[[ haha derr 'white hair' veri fake ]]
sung derr sonqq 'semoga bahagia'
den wuzz a video
if i remembered correctly...
i liked 'the funny side of the teachers'
mr chew said ' very funny hooooorrrrr.....'
den wuzz a piano duet by 2 teachers
den wuzz sing-a-long
haiisz den mr tan wanted tuu see derr prefects
he gave us pur children's dae present
we could choose either a pen or a container.
den went bac tuu class
mr tan said some stuff
den music lesson
Calvin played it VERY slowly...
Xin Yi played very well...
chee kia said he 'wasn't ready'...
anders ferrgort tuu bring both the book and the recorder
chester played okayy i guess...
Wen Hao needs tuu practice alot...
i almost missed a note!
i wonder if mrs lai noticed....
when i went bac tuu my table my heart was still pouding
den gave out derr stuff...
and went home....
here are the pictures of the presents~!
^^^dis is all of the presents i haf^^^
[[ almost ]]
↓↓↓ these are wad miss nooraina gave
derr goodie bag^^^
derr badge^^^
derr stuff inside the goodie bag^^^
↓↓↓these are wad the school gave
↓↓↓dis is wad i chose between thee container and the pen
derr pen la!
↓↓↓dis is wad mrs tay mye science teacher gave
↓↓↓dese are wad mrs lai gave
cola sweets^^^
↓↓↓dis is wad Wen Ting gave
here's wishing every kid out dere A

------------------------end of post------------------------
mid-autum festival~~
Tuesday, 25 September 2007 10:53 pm
had SOOO~ much fun ~
Today when I went tuu meet Yvonne tuu walk tuu skool.
I asked her if she wanted tuu join me and mye bro tuu plae wif derr candles, sparkles etc.
she said sure.
den both her sisters also joined.
My dad, 'mushroom' and mii went down first.
as in we went downstairs earlier dan dem.
We started with the candles.
i made all of dem into 2 straight lines...
den when i wuzz lighting the last few candles,
the fire burnt my hand.
I dropped the candle,
den i decided tuu fergett abt the straight line and made a campfire lyk my dad's.
den Yvonne and her sisters came.
den i opened one of the blue sparkles.
[[ derr noisy ones ]]
I put it above mye 'campfire'.
the sparkle did caught the fire but it did nOrtt made the noise.
the fire was still on de top of the stick.
all of a sudden,
the sparkle made the loudest noise i haf ever heard.
I jumped.
everyone around the area oso were surprised by that loud noise.
den we went back tuu the campfire.
mye dad burnt ''mushroom'' 's doeramon paper lantern.
the flame was blue!
not the normal orangey colour
but BLUE!
after sticking many randomly placed candles,
Yvonne took the sparkles again.
onli hers was normal.
I gott curious and took another one.
the same thing happened
she didn't believe that the ones i took would be like that
and she took another blue one.
this time it was almost like mine
onli it took a longer time than mine tuu make the noise.
she walked tuu mii with the sparkle in her hand
and suddenly,
the sparkle made the noise.
and this time it really scared mii.
played wif the candles ferr another 10 mins and went home.
ate mooncakes,
and now blogging.
i still can hear people playing with those noisy sparkles.
well its very very late gotta sleep lerhs
Sunday, 23 September 2007 2:42 pm
so happy datt Goldie finally ate smth by himself.
he is so muc better.
but is still sick.
his legs can stand up
but he can't run.
he will fall down if he runs.
next, I'd thought i'd put Rainie Yang's Ren Yi Men MV just ferr fun~!
I like the punking dance.
[[her solo]]
but i can't flip
and the moves are very fast
can't keep up.
the dance where she danced with other dancers is the japanese most popular 'shuai wu' in chinese.
I don't noe wad it is called in english.
dis post so short...
i wonder if later we are going downstairs to play with the candles.
bii ferr now~!
mye dae
Friday, 21 September 2007 7:55 pm
hii~ Finally gott mye Duncan Watt CD yesterday.
wah! derr stories are still vry long now reading derr Skulduggery in the South.
and there are still many chapters tuu go~...
so scared dat Goldie will die leiis... yesterday,
mye dad gave him his dog biscuit.
he tried tuu make him jump up
like what he will usually do
but he didn't
the biscuit dropped on the floor
and he did nOrtt even went to nibble on it.
mye dad took another bone-shaped doggie treat
and held it in front of him.
Goldie took it and chewed it ferr awhile
but spitted it out after awhile.
I suspected that his tooth wuzz aching.
mye mom cut up a pear and gave him a slice but he did nOrtt want it.
which was weird cos' he loves fruit.
Den i went tuu touch his stomach.
it was a little warmer then usual.
i suspected datt he also had fever.
diss morning i gave him his breakfast
and put it in front of him
and he ran away from the bowl with his tail between his hind legs.
den todae mye parents brought him immediately tuu the vet.
after they reached home.
mye mom told mii the vet. tested his temperature
and said dat Goldie DID had a little fever
but that does nott explain why he did nortt want tuu eat.
so the vet. said that they had tuu test Goldie's blood tuu see whether it has any infection.
my mom came bac
and said dat mye baobeii has a bacteria that is very VERY hard to get rid of.
if his bloddpressure drops after a few days
he will....
Goldie will....
mye little baobeii will... DIE!!!
*cry* and that disease come back after a few years if it stops acting up.
cos' it will act up whenever it wants to.
mye parents are now feeding him with a sringe
[[derr thing dat looks like the injection thingy but iss ferr medicine]]
cos' he doesn't want tuu eat...
dun die....~~
i haf tuu go...~
` bii...
Wednesday, 12 September 2007 10:00 pm
damn scary sia...
jux now singapore experienced tremors rite?
quite a long tym ago liao lar
i came home from skool,
put my bag in my room,
went to bathe,
den when i wuz almost done,
my block wuz swaying
and i felt very *~dizzy~*
den i had to put on mye clothes quickly and run down da stairs wif my towel.
of cos' wif mye family...
when we reached dere,
some residents already were there and calling some numbers.
after a few minutes we went up again
i wuz extra careful when i stepped into my hse...
i wuz scared okaes?
and i still had hmwrk to do and spelling to learn.
of cos' i haf finished dem by now...
if nort y would i b typing dis now.
end of story...
p.s. I did managed tuu watch HSM2
jux lazy to blog ^^
Sunday, 9 September 2007 3:32 pm
I just felt like typing.
High School Musical 2 premieres tonight~~!!!
I'm SOOO~~ excited~~~!!!
here's bet on it [[chi version]] - Luo Zhi Xiang
he so shuai lorhs...
And this is da original english version of bet on it - Zac Ecfron.
nothing to sae lerz...
and if u can watch HSM2