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more about camp, Camp, CAMP!
Wednesday, 24 June 2009 9:56 am
19 June 2009, Friday

So, I went home the other night.
Went to the doctor's.
ugh, medicine.
Then, went back to church after breakfast.
They were playing the nationals in the field.
sporty games. ._.
everyone was wearing tags.
o.o me dk where to go
felt VERY lost
took over mayer while he rested.
played dodge ball for the first time in my short 13 years.
then moved on to play volleyball.
felt breathless after awhile.
and i DIDN'T do ANYTHING!!! O.O"
continued with the nationals but indoors this time.
took over Sandra's.
she was in-charge of one of the games.
freeeee timeeeee.
prep for community outreach the next day.
was grouped with ken and zii wen.
was shivering like siao in the air con room. o.o
went outside 3-1 to practice.
keke, i said nothing. :X
///////it's 10.21 AM and i just coughed and sneezed at almost the exact same time! xD\\\\\\
still felt VERY cold.
i wasn't in an air con room nor near any fan.
grr.. fever came back.
after dinner, took medicine and went to dorm to rest.
changed into jeans cos REALLY cold.
after awhile, i started sweating and temperature went back to normal.
er... i was locked in the dorm.
played with my torch light, my phone. BORING.
in the next room they were singing so loudly.
sounded so high. xD
sms-ed Charmian to help get the key to get me out!
dont know how to contact Tiffany!
sms-ed Brittany and Alicia.
walked around the room, sat down and listened to the theme talk next door, walked around somemore, ransacked my own bag for any unknown/random items i might have thrown in that morning.
nothing much.
just some leftover sweets.
cant eat them though.
guavaaaa fruit plus BEST. :DD
then tiffey came!
refilled water bottle, grabbed file and went into 3-1!
listened to like around half of the theme talk.
:D managed to catch up!
jumped through a skipping rope.
wrote a prayer down on a piece of paper and put it into a box.
then sat in our families.
"evacuated" from 3-1 and moved down to the carpark.
had to rush up to our dorms to grab only 10 things.
could not use the lift as we would face something "horrible"(?)
[hehe, sally was in the lift! XDDDD]
used the stairs.
grabbed stuff without thinking.
and went down.
keke, lilian and i didnt even bother to fold our sleeping bags.
HELLO! if in real danger will you be like folding your sleeping bag neatly and slowly moving down to the safe spot? xD
if yes, hah! good luck to you then.
if no, come chiong with me! xD
checked if we brought extra things.
some were confiscated.
3 team members were "trapped".
they cant see a thing.
each team sent a person, blindfolded, to find them.
the rest, directed him where to go to rescue them.
after that, SUPPER.
._. i dont usually eat supper.
slept in the carpark!
each group had tents and everyone had sleeping bags but it's VERY THE WARM LARHS!
couldn't sleep properly lohs!

20 June 2009, Saturday

2am-3am kept coughing and coughing.
early in the morning, made michelle K accompany me go toilet. xD
brushed teeth, blah blah.
packed up tents and whatever.
had our breakfast.
then we had family devotion.
was split into our teams the day before.
o.o changed groups!?
i didnt pratise! AT ALL!
grouped with kevin.
._. he didn't practise either.
tried my best to keep quiet all the way to the block.
i have years of practice with the keeping super uber quiet.
ask my primary school teachers!
quiet little michelle.
that p1 girl with the short hair which i never ever went back to and NEVER will!
that little crybaby who cried over almost everything that was as small as anything you can imagine and still does.
that little girl who can remember people, know how they are like and yet, the person can look at her and ask "who are you?" without a wondering how she knew that much.
this little girl is hidden deep, deep in my memories in a drawer in a dark corner with lazer beam traps, land mines and whatever high-tech security system there is to keep her from coming back.
that emo little girl was always unnoticed and anti-social.
the feeling was TERRIBLE.

brr.. feeling cold.
no more about the distant past.

okay, so, community outreach.
yea, did not practise, so a little panic-y.
didn't know how to act or react.
but managed to fill some survey forms.
don't know how many, but still filled larhs. :D
kevin did most of the work.
i cant talk properly! coughs.
after that, walked back to church.
no lunch.
well, cos like have a taste of how the less fortunate live.
during lunch-time, had a talk.
tired and sleepy.
almost dosed off halfway.
freeee timeeeeee to prepare for our skit.
o.o hehes.
variety show! :D
hahahahahas. just cant stop laughing at the skits!
dinner!! :D
theme talk!!! :DDD
found the 6 pieces but no key!
ran up and down 4-5 floors hunting.
"out of the frying pan and into the fire"
what has that got to do with..
grr.. never mind.
finally!! in dorm!!
no more aching back! xD

21 June 2009, Sunday

breakfast then went for service.
could not focus.
then family devotion.
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32.
:DD memorised.
then life of blue.
went to hougang mall!
did not feel like moving again.
headache acted up.
just sat down.
after an hour+ we mrt-ed back to SKMC.
then freeeeeeee timeeeeee!
slept during that time.
woke up by... i forgot who for dinner. o.o
then, theme talk!
sang till super high !! :DD
then barbecue!
after eating, kept running around talking photos! xD

wow, i expected this post to be like longer.
oh well.
hope you people had fun during camp!
and had fun reading this post! :P
byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeees~~! :D