Friday, 28 March 2008 2:47 pm
sowwie i haf not been postin lately....
sho many things happened today...
T-T myung-kun colour my mickey mouse water bottle with a correction pen ....
den she go colour ZW's bottle...
lols .
she then broke my rabbit eraser's ear....
she "operated surgery"....
now my rabbit eraser is healing ...[-_-''']
when i turned my neck, I felt like something broke inside my neck ...
tu ZW : can call mii apple meii no apple meii meii it's weird...
lookiie wad i found on you tube
rusty:the talkin doggy
here's the link:
click here
0:24 "Walk walk."
0:35 Bark
0:38 "Want to go out, go out."
0:43 "Want to go out"
0:50 "Go out, go out, go out."
0:58 "Go out"
1:03 "I want to go out, go out"
1:09 "Want to go out"
1:12 "Want to go out"
wait! there's more!! this one is SHO.... much cuter!!
here's the link if you can't c :
click here
"i wan my mama" how cutee ....^^
i gtg nows...
tell mii if uue want more talkin animals^^
`-apple.Meii" [o.o]