Sunday, 11 November 2007 4:58 pm
back after a few days....
i got bored and created this painting in 5 mins~
here it is~ vvvvvvvvvv
back after a few days....
i got bored and created this painting in 5 mins~
here it is~ vvvvvvvvvv

hmm.... dunnoe where tuu put it....
in the class blog....
put at the disclaimer for the present...
i went tuu owen road tuu help the old people there.
when we reached there,
there were alot of old people at the void deck...
we packed the food into plastic bags,
then handed it over tuu the aunties tuu check if we had put in all 6 items...
den they handed them out tuu the old people.
My partner and I only had tuu help 2 aunties bring the stuff up tuu their house...
lucky us~
den we went tuu the 7th floor
tuu visit an auntie who makes decorations out of aluminium cans and plastic bags.
when we went into the house,
i saw a butterfly ...
and guess wadd it was made out of.... aluminium can~
how cutee~
one green tea and... orange i think... cannot really see the picture...
den behind the door,
i saw two peacocks also made out of aluminium cans...
... sho.....cutee....
one pepsi twist and one chrysanthemum tea
the auntie gave mii the pepsi 1~
den there were ALOT ALOT of roses....
how pretty...
and they are all made out of ...
if uue guessed aluminium cans,
uue are WRONG!
this time,
they are plastic bags...
here's one the auntie gave mii ~
how pretty........
gotta go~
see ya-!